Pinned思然文章一覧(最後更新:13 May 2021)最近好想執下啲文放入唔同既publication唔好咁亂,先發現上一次update文章一覧已經係兩年前既時。Medium最令人頭痛係好難管理自己既文章,如果唔記得篇文個名,要無窮拉下先搵到篇文……Nov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
Memories of Phone NumbersIn a world where smartphones dominate, how often do we find ourselves dialling numbers from memory? Though the act of making phone calls…Apr 28, 2024Apr 28, 2024
TfL: We Won’t Get You There on Time, But We’ll Charge You AnywayI’m not sure what’s more frustrating: the fact that the London bus service is constantly late, or the audacity they still charge you the…Mar 25, 20241Mar 25, 20241
PSYC101: A Case of Operant Conditioning with a Malfunctioning DoorPhoto by Bernard Hermant on UnsplashFeb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
🚈倫敦Overground終於幫啲線改名同改色倫敦Overground有六條線,之前佢哋都只係叫Overground,而因為我住喺一個Overground站附近,我開頭白痴喺倫敦見到有Overground標誌就以有火車可以返屋企搞到三個鐘都返唔到屋企。Feb 15, 20241Feb 15, 20241
British Teachers: From Jolly Good Fellows to “See Ya Later”?Imagine yourself leaving the bustling streets of Hong Kong for the quaint charm of a British village, ready to embark on the noble quest of…Feb 11, 2024Feb 11, 2024
👩🏻🏫2023、倫敦兩年回顧+來年展望 — 工作篇👩🏻🏫我是在2021年11月16日清晨抵達倫敦開始過新生活。去年年底,因為屋主葬禮一團糟,害得完全沒有心情做回顧,所以趁123123這一天,一口氣做兩年零一個半月既回顧,也算是英國後的大回顧吧。Jan 1, 2024Jan 1, 2024
討厭的倫敦巴士服務屋企出巿中心架巴士已續連續一星期脫班,朝朝食風二十分鐘都算(起碼無佐兩班,本身係八至十分鐘一班),一遲二十分鐘,下一班本身已經唔跟時間表既接駁巴士就一定會更遲,除非暴雨,我都會寧願行二十分鐘返學費事等運到。(拾接駁巴士只要行兩分鐘。)Nov 20, 20231Nov 20, 20231
LSA日常:男仔唔記仇;女仔分分鐘記你一世我做LSA既時候每日都有一堂我係要變身做老師,所以都要罰學生留堂。我既經驗係,罰男仔留堂,佢哋轉個頭都會同你做friend,但係罰女仔留堂,佢哋真係記好耐。Oct 15, 20231Oct 15, 20231
PGDE實習第二日:因為香港,我喺課室忍唔住喊佐出嚟PGDE課程安排我哋去一間同我來年任教學校「相似」既學校實習一星期。不過我唔知佢地所謂既「相似」係指邊方面,因為我之後教既係男女校,但係佢叫我去一間男校實習。Aug 30, 2023Aug 30, 2023