Quirky Conversations:Be a house

思然 oce
2 min readSep 13, 2022

These are some interesting conversations I had when supporting students with special needs.

Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Teacher: Write down three things a good citizen does.

I asked my student: What do you think a good citizen does?

My student said: Be a hero.

I said: ok let’s put it down.

He wrote: be a house.

I said: You wrote, “be a house”. What do you mean?

He crossed u and smiled at me: Ok. hero.

I said: Now it is “be a hose”….

He looked, crossed s and puts r: be a hore.

I said: now it is ho-re….. still not hero…

then he put a double arrow under e and o -___-

Teacher (angrily): Some students are not using their brains…

My student laughed, I gestured for him to keep quiet

Student: It is funny miss, miss is saying they are stupid.

I: no miss didn’t say stupid (wanted to stop him from telling others that the teacher actually called students stupid.)



思然 oce

PhD | Research Psychologist | Psychometrician | Computer Science Teacher | IT Auditor/Consultant | ex-CISA/CISSP | Top Writer in Humor | Work in HK, UK, USA