思然 oce
1 min readApr 14, 2018


咁多個variables 其實可以試下做regression。不過跟返medium自己聲稱個logic: Partner Program writers are paid every month based on how members engage with stories. Some factors include reading time (how long members spend reading a story) and applause (how much members clap). Each member’s $5/month subscription is distributed proportionally to the stories that the individual member engaged with that month. So if someone engaged with 10 stories in a given month, their monthly subscription would be distributed to those authors only.),,可能最大關係是clap/read你既讀者本身會用幾多時間係medium,而呢個好難知。



思然 oce

PhD | Research Psychologist | Psychometrician | Computer Science Teacher | IT Auditor/Consultant | ex-CISA/CISSP | Top Writer in Humor | Work in HK, UK, USA